Dealing With High Value Items During Moving & Renovations

If you are moving to a new apartment, home, or your place of living is going through renovations, odds are your high value items, like fine art, will need to be protected and moved too. These items can be tricky to deal with due to value or fragility. Consider the following for your next steps:



This may sound straight forward, but if you have a lot of items, the more information you have on them the better! Here are some points to include in your list:

Estimated Dimensions, Artist, Title, Date

Information specific to each item is the most important. Some pieces don’t have their information written/attached to them; compiling all the information you have on a list will guarantee it doesn’t get lost. Your piece’s provenance will identify what is what. Providing specific information like dimensions will allow professionals to have a better idea of what they are dealing with. Having this list is also a great reference for you when trying to remember what you have and what was moved.


How much is your piece worth? How much sentimental value does your piece have? This information is good to know to determine how much care you wish to be given to your items.

On Site Location

Where is your piece located in your home? When you have many pieces, often the location can get mixed up. It is helpful to know just where each piece is, especially if it is being professionally handled.


Do your items have insurance? If your artworks are leaving their resting place during moving, damage is a lot more likely to occur. It is important to note if your pieces have insurance just in case.


Professional art handling companies, like A2//Artserve, are expertly trained to deal with your artwork & high value items. Their expertise can be invaluable when safely packing and transporting your work. Oftentimes, professionals will schedule a site visit before anything happens. They will begin compiling a list of their own using the information from your original list. Then, they will begin taking images of your work and making sure all pieces are accounted for in reference to the list.

Example of professionally wrapped artwork.

Come moving day, they will wrap your items with foam and poly to protect them from the elements and transport them to a safe place for temporary storage. They will know how best to organize your work. When it comes time to move back in, they can also put it back exactly where it came from based on their initial reference images.



When big life events are happening like moving or renovating, you will want a safe place to put your high value art & items while you wait to move back in. Art handlers, like Artserve, can move your work to an Art Storage facility, like A2 Art Storage, for a safe and temporary “home away from home”. After your work comes in for temporary storage, your work can be inventoried so that everything is accounted for. Here is another blog post where we dive into inventory and its importance when storing artwork.


Contact us for more information and to start your first steps toward a successful and safe move/renovation for your art and objects!

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A2 is proud to announce our official partnership with Artserve!

So, you may have noticed some changes around here… In June 2023, A2 Art Storage & Services acquired Artserve, and we are proud to announce our partnership! Artserve has been leading the fine art handling business in our Twin Cities community since 1994. Artserve continues to provide a full range of museum-quality services including installation, crating, transportation, framing, and design. We are overjoyed to be able to now provide a full range of services accounting for all of one’s art needs!

It’s business as usual in both of our locations, just with added accessibility to both A2 and Artserve’s services for our customers’ convenience!


As the Twin Cities’ art community continues to grow, we will grow right along with it.


With Love,

A2 // Artserve


Artserve’s Website

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A2 Art Storage Private Units

What makes an object need full climate control storage?

Climate Controlled Storage

Storage facilities that are climate controlled, like A2 Art Storage, control the Relative Humidity and temperatures throughout their facilities. In any region where the elements naturally fluctuate, one’s personal valuables that require special care could be negatively affected.  It is important to consider the needs of your object when finding suitable storage solutions near you.


A2 Art Storage Private Units
Private units at A2 Art Storage and Services

Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity (RH) in any space can fluctuate rapidly based on the natural elements. This can cause stress on objects. If an RH is too low, it can be too dry for objects and embrittle certain materials. Too high of an RH can create mold growth and corrosion of metals due to thick moisture. Maintaining the perfect amount of moisture in the air is vital to the survival of precious items, i.e. fine art.



Temperature fluctuations are most likely to affect the “natural aging” of objects. Cooler temperatures tend to help preserve materials. However, too cold and materials like wax or plastic can freeze and break. Too hot, and those same materials can melt. High temperatures will speed up natural chemical deterioration and in conjunction with RH, can begin natural degradation.

Objects that would benefit from climate controlled storage

When considering climate controlled facilities, like A2, here are some examples of objects that typically benefit from such care.

  • Artserve moving fragile American Flag piece. Photo by Glenn Stubbe, 2012

    Art: Artwork can contract or expand with changes in humidity and temperature.

  • Electronics: If maintained in an unsuitable environment for a long time, electronic devices, i.e. circuiting components, will mold or oxidize.
  • Fabrics or papers: Delicate fabrics or papers can mold in humid environments, while excessive temperatures can cause paper to discolor.
  • Vinyl: The risk of warping increases with varying temperatures, whereas the chance of breaking increases with decreasing temperature.
  • Antique wood or metal items: All metals will oxidize and change color in response to moisture. Wood will expand and contract in response to temperature, making it vulnerable to rot and mold.

Degradation and Signs You Should Consider Protecting Your Art

Art comes in all different shapes and sizes. With this comes a variety of practices for keeping your art safe and protected from the elements. If you don’t know what to look for as signs of degradation, the art could become compromised without even knowing. Here is some classic evidence of degradation and signs you should have a professional look into protection:

Example of a sculpture that may need protection and conservation. Image from B.R. Howard Conservation.


Loss of gloss or color. Chalkiness or peeling. Oftentimes, UV light or a smoky environment can change your piece over time.


Glue discoloration, or paint degradation. Corrosion in metal, sometimes resulting in patina. Decomposition of materials due to climate, odors.

Fiber Arts

A fibers’ color can change due to the dye and age, but sometimes it also changes due to sun and climate. Texture of fibers changing. Crusty, crunchy, or breaking of fibers. Decomposition.

Paper Mediums

Acids and acidic materials (ex. Cardboard) can cause pieces to deteriorate. Discoloration, reddish brown spots. Mold or musty smell. Flaking, crumbling, or breaking of paper fibers.

When considering if your piece is safe from degradation or not, it may be worth considering its options. If you would like to find restoration, look into transportation services and art handlers, like our sister company, Artserve, to transport. Similar to the services we offer at A2, valuable art work requires professional handlers with expertise to handle with the upmost care. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:

Where will your valuable work end up after you’ve successfully restored or protected your work?

How will you ensure its safety after it has found its resting spot?

Storage is a very good option! Temporary storage or not, art storage facilities typically have climate/humidity control and other amenities that will ensure the longevity of life for whatever your piece needs.

If your piece returns home, and you are worried about the conditions your home provides for the piece, consider the aforementioned signs and contact your art handlers for further steps to be taken.

Art Installed On A Wall Waiting to be Crated

Dealing With High Value Items During Downsizing

If you’re downsizing, moving into assisted living or dealing with the death of a loved one, it can be difficult to know what to do with their art and other valuables (Or even if something is valuable!). It’s important to take the time to consider all your options before making any decisions. Here are some tips for what to do with art and other valuables during a downsizing or death. 

Is There Already A List of Designations?

The first thing is to determine if the loved one has already made any determinations on where they would like the objects to go. If they are deceased, check with their attorney to see if their will includes itemizations. If they are downsizing, ask about designations. It’s good to check locations where important paperwork may be kept, like safes or files. For items that do not have designations, consider the following:

Get An Appraisal

Before knowing what to do with the objects, it’s helpful to know what they are worth. Many auction houses and appraisal groups can do an estimated range of value at no or little cost. This will help determine what the best next step is for the objects in question. An important tip to remember: Even if you don’t like it, it still may have value!

Art Installed On A Wall Waiting to be Crated
Art installed on a wall waiting to be crated | A2 Art Storage & Services


If you have sentimental attachments to certain pieces of art or other valuables, consider keeping them as part of your own collection. This is a great way to keep your loved one’s memory alive while also having something special that you can enjoy for years to come. Be sure to check with your attorney or tax advisor on applicable gift limits and implications.

Pass Down

If there are certain pieces that you think would be meaningful for another family member, consider passing them down as part of an inheritance or gift. This is a great way to ensure that these items stay in the family and are appreciated by future generations. If the loved one is moving into a living situation such as a nursing home or assisted living, an art storage facility can be a great landing spot for the high value objects while the family is determining who is going to inherit which pieces. Objects stored on site are inventoried and can only be accessed by/released to designated persons, as determined by the loved one or will.  


Donating art and other valuables is a great way to honor the memory of your loved one while also helping out those in need. Consider donating items to local charities, museums, or even schools. Keep in mind that institutions like museums generally collect based on a predetermined wishlist. If the works do not fit in that list, they too may sell the works and use the proceeds to fund their collections or programming. In order to understand what items an organization is interested in accepting, reach out well in advance of the life event and form a relationship with the organization’s staff. They should be happy to talk with you about how best to support the organization with the donations.  


There are many reasons to sell objects from a loved ones collection. Maybe the objects are not to the taste of the family members. Maybe the objects have dramatically increased in value since they were acquired and the funds can help offset the costs of assisted living or education expenses of family members. Selling items can be done in many ways, through auction houses, online through platforms such as eBay or Facebook Marketplace. A facility like A2 Art Storage is a great landing place for the items when determining the best next step. Our team can help install items in one of two viewing rooms for sales agents or appraisers to view in-person (Then carefully return to storage until the time is right.). We can also photograph and condition report items stored onsite or offsite to arm selling agents with detailed information about the piece(s) being offered. Our team can also softpack or crate items for shipping to their new locations, keeping the owner informed along the way. A2 Art Storage & Services customers also receive free access to our referral list, which gives family members a place to start when it comes to working with providers to see their goals through. 

No matter what you decide to do with art and other valuables during a downsizing or death, it’s important that you take the time to consider all your options before making any decisions. A2 Art Storage & Services is here to help! Contact Us anytime to discuss options for handling your loved one’s art or other high value goods.

A2 Art Storage & Services Art in a Personal Vehicle

Transporting Art in a Personal Vehicle Safely

While A2 offers transportation and installation services, customers are welcome to drop-off or pick-up their own works! With preparation and planning, artwork can successfully be transported in a personal vehicle. Here are some tips for making sure your art arrives at its destination safely:

Choose the Right Vehicle

Depending on the size and weight of the artwork, you may need to borrow or rent a larger vehicle such as a van or SUV. These vehicles provide more room for the artwork, as well as space for any other items you may need to transport with it.

A2 Art Storage & Services Art in a Personal Vehicle
Transporting art in a personal vehicle doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming. Plan ahead and follow these tips and tricks from A2 Art Storage & Services.

Get a Plus One

Depending on the size and weight of the artwork, it may be helpful to have someone help load the piece into your vehicle. Remember, it’s better safe than sorry so err on the side of asking for help if you’re concerned for your safety or the safety of the art. If the artwork is coming to A2, we can help you unload it for storage. If traveling to another destination, make sure you have the help you need to safely unload the artwork.

Prepare for the Journey

Before you remove the item from its current location, make sure that your vehicle is prepared for the trip. Remove unnecessary items from the vehicle, prep the space with moving blankets or support blocks so it can easily slide in and out of the vehicle. Think about how you’re going to orient the piece – is it going to ride vertically or horizontally?

Pack the Vehicle Carefully

Make sure that the artwork is properly secured. This may mean foam blocks or rolled moving blankets (If transporting the work flat) or using straps or rope (If transporting vertically) so that it won’t move around during the trip.

Plan Your Route

Make sure to plan your route ahead of time, and avoid any roads that are particularly bumpy or might be under construction. Additionally, it’s important to drive slowly and carefully. Avoid any sudden stops, starts, or turns that could throw the artwork around and cause damage. Depending on the length of your trip, take care of minor errands (Such as eating or getting gas) prior to beginning your trip. You want to leave your vehicle unattended as little as possible!

Following these tips will help ensure your artwork arrives safely at its destination! Feeling unsure about packing and transporting your art or other items? Contact us to learn more about how A2 Art Storage & Services can help help with all your packing and transporting needs!

Antique Furniture at A2 Art Storage & Services

Best Practices for Antique Furniture Storage

Antique furniture is a valuable asset, and proper storage is essential to preserving its beauty and value. When not in use or on display in the home, storing antique furniture can be a tricky process, but with a few tips, you can keep your investment safe and sound.

Choose the Right Location

Make sure the space you choose for storage is dry and away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause cracking, fading, and warping of wood or fabric. Choose a location that is free from any moisture or extreme temperatures. If possible, choose a storage location with both temperature and humidity control. Temperature and humidity control are important for antique furniture as extreme temperatures and humidity levels can cause warping, cracking, and other structural damages to the wood. Additionally, too much humidity can cause mold growth and other damages to the furniture’s finish. Temperature extremes can also cause the wood to expand and contract, leading to further structural damage. Proper temperature and humidity control can help preserve the antique furniture and protect its value.

Antique Furniture at A2 Art Storage & Services
Utilizing best practices to store antique furniture can keep it beautiful for years to come.

Cover and Wrap

Cover your furniture with sheets or blankets to protect it from dust and dirt. Use acid-free tissue paper or packing paper to prevent scratches and dents (Focusing on legs & corners when wrapping).

Use Proper Supports

Place wooden blocks or foam beneath the legs of the furniture to support it and prevent sagging. Make sure to store furniture at least 6 inches off the ground. At A2 Art Storage & Services, we prefer plastic pallets, but wooden pallets work well in a pinch.

Keep Pests Away

To protect your antiques from pests, keep the space you’re storing clean and free from food or crumbs. You should also check for signs of pests from time to time and take appropriate measures if necessary.

Monitor the Environment

Periodically check the storage area for signs of mold or mildew. If these are found, take immediate action to remedy the situation.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your antique furniture is stored safely and remains in excellent condition. With the right storage techniques, your pieces will be preserved for years to come. Ready to move your antique furniture into offsite storage? We have you covered! Contact us to learn more about how A2 Art Storage & Services can help preserve your antique furniture for generations to come!

A2 Art Storage Scanner & Barcode

How To Manage Your Collection's Inventory

In the art world, inventory management is an essential part of art ownership. It is important for artists, collectors, and art galleries to keep accurate records of the works they own in order to keep track of their valuable pieces. Learn more about what you can do to protect your collection and where A2 Art Storage & Services can help support you and your collection.

Start with a List

The first step to successful inventory management is to create an accurate list of all the works of art in your collection. This list should include the title, artist, date, medium, and other relevant information about each piece. Make sure to include a picture of the piece unwrapped and a picture of the piece as it’s wrapped for storage. It’s also helpful to keep any relevant paperwork. Note the amount paid for the piece and any other costs associated with it (Did you pay for shipping, framing, conservation, etc.). Create your own cataloging system and assign a unique code to each piece. Place the code on the back of each piece or on the wall nearby. These codes can be cross referenced by a third party if you’re not available to walk someone through your collection. A spreadsheet is a great place to start with this type of information so it’s all in one place and easily accessible.

Keep the List Updated

Once an inventory list has been created, it is important to keep it up to date. This means that any changes made to the pieces stored should be noted, such as when a piece is moved, added, or sold. Keeping accurate records of these changes allows for easy tracking of any pieces so that nothing goes missing. Onsite at A2 Art Storage & Services, we use The Art Logistics Management System (AIMS), an integrated solution for the automation of the core processes of art logistics companies. This barcode based inventory management system allows us to relocate items in our facility in real time so we know where each object is located within the facility. Don’t have that technology at home? No problem, just make sure to note on your spreadsheet if you work makes a significant move.

A2 Art Storage Scanner & Barcode
A2 Art Storage & Services Utilized Barcode Based Inventory Management in the Warehouse

Store Everything Properly

If some of your objects are headed to storage, inside or outside your home, make sure the pieces are stored in a temperature and humidity-controlled environment, and that they are stored in acid-free boxes or other appropriate protective packaging. Make sure you monitor the storage space overtime for any signs of damage, such as water damage, pests, or other environmental hazards. 

Finally, consider the access needed for your works stored. Store items that you are going to need easier access to in a more accessible location. Use shelving to take advantage of the third dimension of space. Clearly label the work so you can easily identify it within your storage space and document the exact location of the stored work in your spreadsheet.  Without accurate labels on each piece, it can be difficult to find the right work of art in a timely manner.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Inventory management is essential whether your art is on display in your home or stored in a facility. It is important for accurate record keeping, protecting the works of art, and ensuring easy access to the pieces stored. With proper inventory management, artists, collectors, and galleries can ensure that their valuable works of art are stored and tracked safely. 

Feel overwhelmed at the prospect of documenting your collection? A2 Art Storage & Services, we provide comprehensive Collection Management services. This means we can inventory what is currently in your home and/or in storage. During this process, we can also provide comprehensive condition reports on the current status of your items and refer you to local or national resources if your pieces require services such as conservation, reframing or appraisal. Contact Us to learn more about our available services!

Are you interested in learning more about our inventory management and collection management services? Contact Us to learn about our cost-effective options for getting your inventory started! 

Best Practices for Musical Instrument Storage

While we may have “art” in our name, the specifications at which we keep our facility can apply to a variety of collectables. For instance, musical instruments. Like anything, when considering the value of a musical instrument to purchase or to sell, the condition of the instrument will be one of the key items of consideration. Do you have a lot of musical instruments cluttering up your home? If so, it’s time to find a good storage solution to keep them safe, organized and ready for future use. Here are some tips for storing your musical instruments: 

Use A Case

Invest in proper storage cases. Instruments like guitars, keyboards, and drums need to be stored in sturdy cases that protect them from dust, moisture, and other elements. Make sure the cases are made of a durable material and have a secure latch to keep them shut. 

Choose A Cool, Dry Location

Temperature can have a major impact on the lifespan and sound of an instrument, so it’s important to store instruments in an environment that is not too hot or cold.

Musical Instruments Organized for Storage
Musical Instruments Organized for Storage

For string instruments, such as guitars, violins, and cellos, the ideal temperature should be between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range will help keep the wood from shrinking or expanding, which can cause the instrument to lose its sound quality. Additionally, humidity should be kept at a comfortable, stable level, as too much moisture can cause the wood to warp, leading to the instrument becoming out of tune. Too little moisture can cause the wood to shrink and crack.

For brass instruments, such as trumpets and trombones, the ideal temperature should be between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range will help keep the metal from becoming too brittle, which can lead to dents and cracks. It’s also important to keep humidity stable in order to prevent the metal from corroding.

For percussion instruments, such as drums, cymbals and pianos, the ideal temperature should be between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range will help keep the metal or wood from expanding or contracting, which can cause the instrument to become out of tune. Additionally, humidity should be kept stable in order to prevent the metal from corroding. If you don’t have access to a temperature-controlled space, it’s important to keep the instruments away from sources of heat, such as radiators or direct sunlight, and to keep them dry.

Rack ‘Em Up

Use a storage rack. If you don’t have a lot of space, a storage rack is a great option for storing instruments. Choose one with adjustable shelves so you can customize the height and width to fit different instrument sizes. 

Hang Them Up

Certain instruments like guitars and mandolins can be hung up on a wall. Just make sure to use heavy-duty hooks and hangers to keep them secure. 

Use A Cabinet

If you have a lot of instruments, a storage cabinet might be the best option. It provides plenty of space to keep your instruments organized and out of the way. Look for cabinets with grate-like fronts so ensure adequate air flow.  

No matter what kind of musical instruments you collect, A2 Art Storage & Services has a storage solution that will work for you. Investing in quality storage will help keep your instruments safe and organized, so you can enjoy them for years to come.

Are you interested in taking the next step in proactively protecting your collection? Contact Us to learn about our cost-effective options for storing your collection! 

Bedrock Restoration

The Art of Avoiding Disaster

At A2 we know the reasons for storing high value objects, such as art or antique furniture, vary widely from client to client. Some of our clients store temporarily, during a large home renovation or seasonally if their house is going to be vacant for an extended period of time. It’s during these time periods, when homeowners are not actively monitoring their homes, that damage can occur. 

Disaster restoration groups have seen the worst of the worst. We touched base with Dan Oppedisano, owner of Bedrock Restoration, to discuss some of these emergency situations and how they can negatively affect your high value goods.

A2: Thanks for lending your expertise, Dan. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your company?

Dan: Sure! Bedrock Restoration is a disaster restoration company service Minneapolis, St. Paul and many of the surrounding cities. We offer customers a variety of restoration services including water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, and mold removal.

Dan Oppedisano owner bedrock restoration
Dan Oppedisano, Owner Bedrock Restoration

A2: In your experience, what types of damage have you seen to high-value personal property (Such as art or antiques)?

Dan: We’ve seen all types of damage. Water damage from pipes bursting, smoke damage from fires (large or small).  Aside from the obvious physical damage from water and fire, objects can hold the odor from smoke. Additionally, condensation from heat of a fire mixing with the moisture in the air can cause water to build up on objects which leaves dripping watermarks.

A2: What do you recommend homeowners do to keep their high value objects safe at home? Any tips and tricks for storing safely?

Dan: If not currently installed for display, we recommend keeping artwork on elevated levels such as 2nd floor and above.  Most water damage issues occur between the first level and basement so storing them in those areas puts them at higher risk. Additionally, elevate the artwork on a pallet or shelf and avoid leaning against a wall.

A2: Let’s talk insurance. How and when does a collector need to file a claim for damaged artwork? How does home restoration play into this timeline?

Dan: Always contact your insurance agent as soon as you can to talk through the decision of a claim. If you decide to make a claim you want to do it ASAP.  The most important piece of all this is to document as much as possible – you can’t ever have too much documentation.  Take tons of photos and also videos of everything that’s going on around you and the environment – you never know what might get stored on camera and help.

A2: Why are you a proponent of ‘off-site’ art storage for art collectors? How does offsite storage differ from at home when it comes to safety?  

Dan: During a home renovation, or post disaster, we always recommend storing valuables off-site. Additionally, given some of the situations I’ve encountered, temporary storage can be a great option seasonally if the homeowner is traveling for an extended period, say south for the winter or to a cabin for the summer. A facility like A2 is really special to have here in the Twin Cities because of its environmental controls as well as the dry pipe fire suppression system and extensive security. The best part is A2 can pick-up, store and reinstall when the homeowner is ready, so it really takes the guesswork out of storing even a small number of pieces. 

A2: Anything else you want to share with art owners?

Dan:  As a restoration contractor we see a lot of damage to personal property and oftentimes it seems there were ways to avoid it.  Being proactive about your valuables before the issues occur is key. Artwork is expensive, insurance can be expensive, but storage is not!

Bedrock Restoration is a disaster restoration company serving Minneapolis, St. Paul, and many of the surrounding cities. We offer customers a variety of restoration services including water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, and mold removal. Our mission is to take care of people by doing things the right way every time. Our customers choose us to help them when they need it the most and we pride ourselves on being there for them every time. We know that when disaster occurs you want reliable professionals that care about you and your property as if it were their own. Bedrock Restoration is a locally owned disaster restoration company that was started right here in Minnesota and proudly serves all 7 counties of the Twin Cities.

Are you interested in taking the next step in proactively protecting your collection? Contact Us to learn about our cost-effective options for storing your collection!